Saturday, June 25, 2016

Asignment 4A-MAT 675

Assignment 4A - Standards Based Interactive Game

5to Repaso

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This game is a jeopardy-based Spanish game that includes vocabulary words, interrogatives pronouns and verb conjugations for Elementary Spanish.

Standard 1.2: Interpretive Communication
Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. 

I created this game where students must identify the vocabulary words, interrogative pronouns and verb conjugations for the month.  They will review everything by looking at a visual aid game and selecting the correct answer. This game is a great teaching tool to reinforce the knowledge acquired during this unit; and it is a great way to review before the monthly test.  This game will keep my students’ attention. I developed a game with vocabulary that we have practiced before so that they will recognize.

Spanish Review for 5th Graders Jeopardy Game

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